Five. Hundred. Days.
OK, today actually marks the 499th day we've been homeowners. Close enough. I was talking to El Gee this morning about the progress that we've made on the house lately and I decided that some pictures were in order. All pictures here that are "before" pictures were taken the weekend we placed the offer on the house. The "after" pictures were taken tonight. I present the before picture, then the after picture, with the caption between them.

The front of the house. The left side is English Ivy. The right, Pachysandra. Now it's all grass, the flowerbeds taken care of, and the town has redone the sidewalk and end of the driveway.

The area off the back of the bedroom. Totally overgrown. Cleaned up some, and the bricks exposed as I mentioned in my post the other day.

The lilac tree "island" between the driveway, bedroom & shed. The whole area, really, was overgrown. We ripped out some of the flora last spring, I started to finish the island last fall, and this spring my wife finished it off. We didn't really discuss what we wanted it to look like, but it ended up matching my vision almost perfectly.

Not bad, eh? We still need to get the grassy areas cleaned up, but a lot of that will be "nuke & pave", just tilling everything under and planting new seed. The big chores are all the plants & garden areas.
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