And now, a PSA
This week I made my 7th blood donation. I was first "dragged" to a blood drive by my parents several years ago, but have done it myself 6 times since. I've decided to attempt the full number of donations I'm allowed in 2006. And I'd like to see more people do it.
I've never needed blood myself. But I may someday. Hospitals need blood constantly. It's one of the few medical supplies that can't just be maufactured. There is no substitute for it. But only 5% of the population that's eligible to donate actually does. Some out of ignorance; some out of fear; some out of apathy. Some Q&A from my own experiences.
- Does it hurt?
- A little, but it's quite tolerable. Compared to the pain that the recpient(s) of my donation will be in, it's nothing. You get used to it. Just relax and remember to breathe.
- Is is convenient?
- Quite. Living near and working in a sizeable city, there are often blood drives right near my office. I spend my lunch hour donating and I don't miss a beat at work. The Red Cross will also do drives at malls, churches, firehouses, plenty of places in your community on a regular basis. You can work with your employer to bring a blood drive to the office. Or you can just go to a donation center any day. Find a blood drive.
- Why?
- I figure "why not?" I'm eligible, it's only 6 times a year, there are convenient blood drives, and it takes less than an hour. Every time you donate, you get points that can be redeemed for blood donation-related merchandise, or you can donate your points to charity. It's a contribution that cannot be equalled in time or money - it really is a priceless gift.
- I probably can't donate, they turned me down a few years ago because of <whatever reason>
- Find out if you're eligible today. The rules have changed, and many are time-based, so if you weren't eligible a year ago, you may be now.
- Ok, I'll do it. How do I prepare?
- Find a drive. Make sure you drink plenty of water the day of your donation. Make sure you eat a balanced diet for the week before your donation, including proper amounts of iron, as you can't donate if you're anemic. Relax, enjoy the juice and cookies, and think about all the people you're helping.
If you have a rare blood type, or are a universal donor (type O negative), it's even more important that you donate.
I am proud of ya, Dak. I wish I could get back into doing it, but 3 bad esperiences in a row has left me "shy".
Hope you are not buried up to your eyeballs in snow!
Enos Straitt, at 2/12/2006 12:01 AM
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